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source: weheartit.com |
Good to know?
Op deze moment heb ik echt geen zin meer in bloggen. Misschien als mijn schooljaar beƫindigd is dat ik opnieuw ga posten. Deze week heb ik een jury, 14 mei nog eens een jury en 30 april een presentatie. Tussen 22april - 24mei moet ik nog een aantal opdrachten maken die afgrond moeten zijn. De laatste week van mei beginnen mijn examens Dus zo veel tijd heb ik niet meer. Met mijn post project doe ik verder. Het loopt wel wat enige vertraging op... Maar iedereen krijgt zijn brief! Ik moet wel zeggen dat ik een tijd geleden problemen ermee heb gehad. Ik kreeg 1 post terug aan. De postzegel was eraf gevallen. Dus ik hoop dat dat niet meer voorkomt.
Liefs Tessa
At this moment I have really no point in blogging. Maybe if my school is finished I'm posting again. This week I have a jury, jury again May 14 and 30 April a presentation. Between 22april - 24mei I have to make several assignments. The last week of May my exams starts, so I have not much time With my project I will post further. It is what some delay ... But everyone gets his letter! I must say I've had problems with it a while ago. I received one post back from my own. The stamp had fallen off. So I hope that does not happend anymore.
Tessa x
Liefs Tessa
At this moment I have really no point in blogging. Maybe if my school is finished I'm posting again. This week I have a jury, jury again May 14 and 30 April a presentation. Between 22april - 24mei I have to make several assignments. The last week of May my exams starts, so I have not much time With my project I will post further. It is what some delay ... But everyone gets his letter! I must say I've had problems with it a while ago. I received one post back from my own. The stamp had fallen off. So I hope that does not happend anymore.
Tessa x
draw with love
After a lot af trying, I can do it better. Finally! I really suck to write papers for school. And now this year i have a lot of papers. In the beginning almost everything was wrong. But now there are a couple things wrong. It's a good improvement.
Can you write good papers?
Can you write good papers?
For the rest i'm sick and there are 2 jury's waiting on me and also other assignments. But I will succeed!
14.000 things to be happy about

take a look.
Did you know there is also a miserable boek, with 11,002 things?
Source: tubmlr
Which do you prefer?
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source: weheartit.com |
It is still freezing outside! But i'm happy that there's no snow anymore, finally. I think everybody wants the sun. But for now coffe is my best friend for heat.
Caffe latte is my favo, what is your favorite?
Caffe latte is my favo, what is your favorite?
1. beteuterd / perplexed
2. betrokken / concerned
3. bedrogen / cheated
4. bedrog / deception
5. gefrustreerd / frustrated
6. gedesillusioneerd / disillusion
7. kaal / bald
8. misnoegd / displaesed
9.onbevredigd / unsatisfied
10. ontgoocheld / disenchanted
11. onvoldaan / unsatisfied
12. ontmoedigd / dispirited
13. onbehaaglijk gevoel / malaise
14. sneu / sad
15. sip / glum
16. terneergeslagen / depressed
17. wanhopig / desperate
18. zuinig / economical
19. zielig / pathetic
Zo voel ik mij op deze moment. - persoonlijke reden -
This is how I feel right now. - personal reason -
source: encyclo
2. betrokken / concerned
3. bedrogen / cheated
4. bedrog / deception
5. gefrustreerd / frustrated
6. gedesillusioneerd / disillusion
7. kaal / bald
8. misnoegd / displaesed
9.onbevredigd / unsatisfied
10. ontgoocheld / disenchanted
11. onvoldaan / unsatisfied
12. ontmoedigd / dispirited
13. onbehaaglijk gevoel / malaise
14. sneu / sad
15. sip / glum
16. terneergeslagen / depressed
17. wanhopig / desperate
18. zuinig / economical
19. zielig / pathetic
Zo voel ik mij op deze moment. - persoonlijke reden -
This is how I feel right now. - personal reason -
source: encyclo
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Source: unknown |
Ik autocad
jij autocad
hij/zij autocad
wij autocadden
jullie autocadden
zij autocadden
T'is officieel, van autocadden word je raar.
This is autocad. Just kidding. Yesterday I did all day autocad. No idea whether it is a verb. I really think so. Because there are so many people who autocadden.
kaartenhuis/house of cards
Je bent al aan het 3de verdiep. Uw rechterhand beeft iets harder als anders. Het moment is daar, de 2 kaarten raken elkaar.Onbewust duw je harder op kaart die je wilt plaatsen. De kaart eronder beweegt. Stop. Je gaat verder met het plaatsen. NEEEEE. - kaartenhuis is in elkaar gestort -.
You are at he 3th floor. Your right hand trembles harder then otherwise. The moment is there, the two cards hit each other. Unconsciously you hit harder at the card you wanne place. The card below moved. Stop. Je go further. NOOOO. - The house of cards collapsed-
You are at he 3th floor. Your right hand trembles harder then otherwise. The moment is there, the two cards hit each other. Unconsciously you hit harder at the card you wanne place. The card below moved. Stop. Je go further. NOOOO. - The house of cards collapsed-

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